our team
We are a startup with a small team and big dreams of multiplying stories of transformation at home and abroad.
Kristi Sturgill
Podcast Host
I’m Kristi, and I often walk a couple miles solely to pet outdoor cats.
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board of directors
Dylan & Melissa Cross
Chair, Secretary
Hi! I’m Dylan, and I love socially acceptable outlets to climb rocks. // Hi! I’m Melissa, and I've watched every episode of the Great British Baking show.
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Rand & Annika Rowland
Hi! I'm Rand and I notice the food pyramid is shaped like a slice of pizza... // Hey! I'm Annika and I'd eat raw cookie dough before cookies any day.
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Angelique Solomon
Hi, I'm Angelique! And I love my food with extra salt and extra spice.
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Paige Hrubik
Mitchell Dugan
advisory board
Henry Kaestner
Advisory Board Member
Co-Founder of Bandwidth, Sovereign's Capital, Faith Driven Entrepreneur & Faith Driven Investor
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Blake Schwarz
Advisory Board Member
Director of The Pegasus Fellowship at Parks City Presbyterian Church
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Kristen Hayes
Advisory Board Member
Program Manager at the Center for Community Resilience at George Washington University