our team

We are a startup with a small team and big dreams of multiplying stories of transformation at home and abroad.


Brian Grasso

Hello there! I'm Brian, and the thing I'm most proud of is my wordle stats.

CEO & Co-Founder


Andrew Forrester

Hi! I'm Andrew and I've lived in both 'South' states.


Andrew Lee

Hi! I’m Andrew, and I’ve ballboyed for Rafael Nadal.

Angela Tawfik


Hi! I’m Angela, and I like old stuff.

Grace Sukach

Marketing Associate

Hey! I’m Grace and I’m passionate about soup.

Griffin Storm

Executive Assistant

Hey! I'm Griffin and I like writing folk songs.

Lauren Allen

Hey, I'm Lauren and I self-published a children's book about katydids!

Impact Analyst

Lydia Kim

Marketing Associate

Hi there! I'm Lydia and I really like mountains.

Chris Kuo

Podcast Host

I’m Chris and I like to climb rocks.

Kristi Sturgill

I’m Kristi, and I often walk a couple miles solely to pet outdoor cats.

Podcast Host

board of directors

Dylan & Melissa Cross

Hi! I’m Dylan, and I love socially acceptable outlets to climb rocks. // Hi! I’m Melissa, and I've watched every episode of the Great British Baking show.

Chair, Secretary

Rand & Annika Rowland


Hi! I'm Rand and I notice the food pyramid is shaped like a slice of pizza... // Hey! I'm Annika and I'd eat raw cookie dough before cookies any day.


Angelique Solomon

Hi, I'm Angelique! And I love my food with extra salt and extra spice.

Kaylin Yang

Student Rep

Kaylin was a 2022 summer intern and the founder of the UVA chapter.

Paige Hrubik


Mitchell Dugan


advisory board

Co-Founder of Bandwidth, Sovereign's Capital, Faith Driven Entrepreneur & Faith Driven Investor

Advisory Board Member

Henry Kaestner

Mary Vande Guchte

Advisory Board Member

Community Volunteer at Mission Triangle

Stephen Kump

Advisory Board Member

Co-Founder & CEO of Charityvest

Blake Schwarz

Advisory Board Member

Director of The Pegasus Fellowship at Parks City Presbyterian Church

Alex Nichols

Cofounder & COO of Tether

Advisory Board Member

Kristen Hayes

Program Manager at the Center for Community Resilience at George Washington University

Advisory Board Member