“First of all, I want to thank the Lord for saving my life."

Balkisu Djafara | Club Leader | Children in Christ

“…because before I got to know Christ, my father was Muslim, and my mother was a Christian. I was born before my parents were legally married, and later I learned my father’s mother was very displeased with this. They agreed I would live with my father’s mother. She was Muslim also. When I was 2 years old, I then lived with my father, and there they started teaching me how to pray the Muslim prayers even though I was just a little child.”

“But later as time went on, I accepted Christ and that was in 2013. I was part of the children’s ministry Children in Christ. This is how I started discovering Christ’s love and how to live by getting the word of God. I also started knowing my spiritual gifts.

“Now I have my own Children in Christ club where I teach, and I also train other children to start clubs. But later again my father heard that I have become Christian, so this is how he called me back, and when I went back, he asked me, ‘You are Christian?’

“‘Yes,’ I replied. ‘I’m now a Christian, and I want to continue to be Christian.’

“After I finished talking, he told me, ‘From now on you need to know this. Number one: If you are Christian, you’ll no longer be my daughter or even be called one of my family members. Number two: I’ll no more pay your school fees’ because he used to pay, and he used to send our food to my grandmother every month. All the clothes I used wear, he used to buy all of them.

“Today in my club with the children I teach, my testimony is an encouragement to each of them because all the challenges we are going through in Nigeria. The Lord knows why, and He doesn’t forget us like our parents do.

“Today I continue to encourage the children and the youth to really put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.”