“I didn’t have a chance to go to secondary school.”

Justin Hiari | Chief of Education Department: Tanzania | Village Schools International

“Most of the schools we had here in Tanzania were for the richest, and we also had a few government schools, so many students were competing for the chance to go to one of the government secondary schools. I was a left out student and didn’t have enough money. My family was poor and I was not selected to go to government school. It was difficult for me.”

“But it was by grace that our community worked to build the school where I went. Now I have a Bachelor’s degree. I work at Village Schools, helping people here in Tanzania, and also outside the country in Zambia and Malawi.

“It is time to use the opportunities of Village Schools International to help the poorer people who cannot go to secondary schools.

“Village Schools accepts everyone to come to our schools: whether you are from a poor family, or a rich family. You are a girl, or a boy. You are an orphan or not. Village Schools is helping everyone to have access to go to secondary school. We are teaching people how to work. In Village Schools, that is what we are doing, but also we are helping them to help others who have not had a chance to go to secondary school. We are teaching our students that we are all equal before God. We all should have access to go to secondary school.

“My story is very important because it will change the mindset of people. I am from a poor family. I was left out. I was not selected. I stayed for five years in the village waiting and working for my parents. Then I went to a Village Schools secondary school. I had access to go to university. I graduated. I am working very hard in the village, and now I am helping others. I think it is very important to share my story because it can also change our understanding of people. Even the poor can help the world.”