“My name is Sarah Wambui Mwaniki. I joined Care for AIDS 10 years ago.”

Sarah Wambui Mwaniki | Program Graduate | Care for AIDS

“At that time, I did not know my status. I was losing weight, and my muscles had no strength. I could not understand what was happening to me. My husband passed away a long time ago. He did not tell me that he was HIV positive. Since we didn’t have any children together, I am the only one left in our family.”

“People began staring at me. They were taken aback by how I looked. I decided to run away to Limuru. That is where I met Duncan and joined Care for AIDS [now called Untold. In the group, we would always start with a sermon. Love was the first, and most important, thing they gave us. We needed to be loved, and it was love that made us regain our strength. We were also given food and met people who became our close friends. This program has really helped us. Care for AIDS has changed my life completely, and my health has improved since then. If it wasn’t for the Care for AIDS program, I would not be alive today. It’s been 10 years, and I’m grateful for life. I know I will continue living!”