“They say the future has to be imagined before it can be created.”

Jose Luis

“For myself and my family, I am thankful to those who helped me imagine. I am a farmer, a husband, and a father. It is such a joy to say that! However, this has not always been my story. Not long ago, poverty was my life. Poverty was my past, my present, and my future. Hope was hard. Getting land is not easy in Nicaragua. I never thought it would be possible, but God brought an opportunity my way.”

“I learned this from Sofia from ACJ, a young man’s Christian association. She saw my motivation and my willingness to work. With help from her organization and support from Partners Worldwide and Farmer to Farmer, I was given a land loan I could pay back over time. ACJ showed me a future and walked with me to make that dream a reality. I learned about soil, weather patterns, crops, yields, and planting strategies from ACJ’s agronomist Nathaniel. Through this partnership, I learned the art of farming and cultivation. Now, my son is learning and following in my footsteps, and he loves it. I built a home, and my family has eight acres of land to our name. I thank God for all He has done through me and through others. And with hope for our future, I’m imagining what else is possible.”

Jose Luis received a 10-year land loan. He paid it back in 3 years.