journey of
generosity retreat

Gather seniors on your campus for a fully-funded retreat on biblical generosity.

A Journey of Generosity is a two-day experience that creates space for conversations about money, God, and stories. JOGs typically start with dinner on Friday evening and end early Saturday afternoon.

Simple Charity hosts JOGs for student leaders and seniors to inspire the next generation to live a generous life. JOGs are a retreat experience designed by the nonprofit Generous Giving.

Are you a student leader, campus minister, or Christian study center staff person?

Partner with us to bring Journey of Generosity retreats to your campus. We’ll pay for the lodging and food and supply the materials and content.

Your job is to pick the date and invite students on your campus to join. The ideal size is 6-16 students.

A 100% funded, off-campus retreat for graduating seniors.

Gather your friends, your small group, your church, or any other senior who might be transformed by seeing radical generosity.

Engage with world-class content and stories.

Watch short videos on fellow believers living counter-culturally with their finances and learn from some of the best teaching on generosity.

Grow in the joy of generosity.

Invite seniors to experience God’s abundantly joyful generosity with freedom and grace. JOGs never ask participants to give to any organization.

Create space to go deeper in community.

Open up honest conversations and reflections about your relationship with money among with people who care about you.

W H O I S T H I S F O R ?

Campus Ministries & Fellowships

Gather seniors at your campus ministry, from InterVarsity to Cru, ENC, RUF, or any other campus fellowship.

Christian Study Centers

Invite seniors involved at your Christian study center for a weekend to grow deeper.

Any Group of Students

Reach out to your fraternity or sorority, affinity group, sports club, or any other group you think would be interested

Reach out to our team to chat!

Email Brian Grasso, our Executive Director, at

H A V E Q U E S T I O N S ?